Ad-Venture Capital Management

Since 2000, Ad-Venture Capital Management, LLC has been helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. Led by serial entrepreneur Brian Addy, Ad-Venture provides executive coaching and consulting in the areas of finance, sales and business execution. In addition, Ad-Venture often helps new companies secure the capital they need to achieve their goals.


Ad-Venture Capital seeks to help early stage businesses with rapid and profitable growth objectives.  To date, the firm has engaged in the areas of real estate, oil and gas exploration, technology, telecommunications, web-based software platforms, on-line gaming, alternative fuels and healthcare.  We have had many successes, and we know what it takes to succeed, how it feels to win, and we like it.  We have had failures, too, and we know some of those warning signs as well.  We know the sour taste of defeat, and we don't like it.