Ad-Venture Capital Management

Natural Resource - Investments

Carolina BioFuels, LLC - Greenville, SC


Carolina BioFuels, LLC is a biodiesel facility located in Greenville, South Carolina. The plant is a former Rohm & Haas polymer facility, with 28 acres within fence and an additional 50 acres beyond. Multiple large polymer reactors were converted to biodiesel production in the fall of 2005. Carolina BioFuels, LLC has an existing biodiesel production capacity of 40 million gallons per year, with plans to install additional capacity. At current production volumes, Carolina BioFuels, LLC is the third largest biodiesel producer in the United States.



Addy Motor Oil Co, LLC - Denver, Co


Addy Motor Oil Co, LLC owns member interests in Santa Maria Energy, LLC and working interests in oil and gas projects from the Diatomite and Monterey formations in the Orcutt field and from the NW Casmalia Diatomite field – both located in Santa Barbara County, California, where there is a known resource base of over 2.5 billion barrels of oil in place. Diatomite is a shallow formation (from the surface down to 2000 feet) with porosity ranging from 50-70% and oil saturations in excess of 50%. The major companies began cyclic steaming of this resource in Kern County 6-7 years ago. Success of the project relies on innovative cyclic steaming techniques and deployment of an line-drive steam processes.